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- Information and perception
COURSES- INTERACTION DESIGN -Information and perception
Information and perception
The goal of this course is to help students investigate the relationship between information, interaction, and perception. Furthermore, students will explore processes and ideas for understanding information.In order to study and use the affordances of various mediums and study the appropriateness of representations relative to audiences/contexts, students will explore ways of making information representations accessible, logical, understandable, and enjoyable by inciting and facilitating interaction.
PROJECT 01- Informaiton hierarchy
Located at Songdo, Inchoen, Yonsei International Campus is now becoming a locus of campus life and academic interaction. Not only Yonsei freshmen moving into YIC every year, many professors, parents and guest are visiting YIC. However, it is not easy for newcomers to figure out the best public transportation route from the fragmented information, mostly in written form. So this project was design to meet the demand for quick and easy transportation guide.

Seo Hee Lee
Re-designing G Bus line map
People use public transportation on a daily basis to move from a place to another. Age of the passengers form a very wide range, yet the information display of bus line maps does not fulfill the needs of all users to find the desired information efficiently. This project sought to rearrange the information hierarchy of bus line maps placed at bus stops to make the perception process effortless and more intuitive with a little bit of fun.

Nail It Down -Visual Hierarchy-
Horyun Song
Official Color Chart
All colors are assorted by the number, in other words, in chronological order.
-If the customer knows the exact number and name, it is easy to find the color.
-It is hard to know what its true color is.
Even though some colors look similar, they differ because of many factors.
For example, number 1 and 2 look very similar, but they belong to different groups.
Number 2 and 3 belong to same group, but they have totally different opacity. Number 3 is transparent. To make the color, one has to coat it at least 3 times while number 2 only requires one time.
Offline Store Display
-I always have hard time finding just the right color for myself.
-Bombardment of colors is equally ineffective as those of text.
-Even if some stores offer fake nails with certain colors, it also does not indicate how thick and thin, thus how many coats should be applied
What to do?
First find what factors affect nail color
1. Thick and Thin
2. Similar Colors
3. Affinity of Glitters
-Base Color
(Neon, fluorescent, Sparkle, Powder)
-Find simple way to resort the products of a certain brand. (Aritaum Modi Nail)
Field Research
MODI Analysis
- 44 카페라운지
-S057 머드파이
- 1리얼화이트
-30 오렌지쇼크
- Number increases according to the release. -> No logic
-S means Star, which is limited line only sold in Star shops.
M-Divide into Two categories
- color /black & white

-Diverse Colors
-Easy to access and choose
-Organized and unlimited color coding
-Directly apply to display - Good Visual Hierarchy both for customer and seller
-Require basic understanding of math
PROJECT 02- Simple and usable
Washing Machine
Hedgie Choi
Which setting? Choices, choices...
Running clothes in the washing machine is a fairly mundane chore that everybody´s got down pat. Or so you´d think. But as the technology for washing machines advances, we get to have more and more options about how to wash our clothes. But are more options always a good thing?
Problem: overwhelming, underwhelming
Presenting settings and sub-settings, the original washing machine offered over 500 different laundry cycles. The overwhelmed user opts for the most underwhelming functions, and ends up using the same standard wash cycle for every- thing
Process: eliminate and visualize
Many of the pre-set cycle options were elimi- nated, while the remaining sub-settings were visualized into a timeline. The user now has a manageable yet flexible set of options.
Process and Sketch

Buttons such as “child-lock”and “reservation”were removed so that the button panel deals with just the laundry process. Settings on the dial were removed and merged. Subsettings were visualized into a timeline that represents pre- wash, wash, rinse, spin, and dry.
Final Design
The washing machine button panel has gone from the overwhelming mix-up of buttons and displays to a cleaner, simpler, and more streamlined design shown on the right. When turned on, the panel lights up blue to show which parts have been activated. The default setting is on standard, but you can change that with the dial. Then personalize subsettings by using the touch-timeline. When you hit the run button, a time marker shows you where in the cycle you are. Thirty extra minutes of dryer time is just a button touch away.

Control Redesign - Box Sealing Tape
Junmo Choe
As the purpose of the box tape is to keep the box sealed, removal of the tape after use is clearly difficult.
A sharp tool is often used to open the sealed box ; during which both the content and user risk injury.
However, major change with the tape will reduce it functionality.

Further Requirments
Although the air bubble did make the removal process easier, it still required further deveplopment.
1.The air bubble gives the impression that the tape will not be as sturdy as the exising ones.
2.Random placements of the tape also requires development.
Final Sketch

Instead of the previous oval shaped space, a rigid straight line shape was used to give a more durable look.
The air squares are evenly distanced from each other
As users often seal boxes in the cross-shape, every 5cm, holed lines exist to make the opening easier.
Freeze in Tetris-Refrigerator for dormitory
Jae Yeon Ju
Students in Yonsei International Campus share a public refrigerator with about twenty other students. Since it is shared by a number of people, there are many conflicts and problems aroused by this system. However, Freeze in Tetris will provide a solution to live a convenient and pleasant dormitory life.

Idea Sketch

The Baby bag´s message
Hyunbae Earm
Problems with the control
- Focusing to the 'seller' -: When opening the plastic bag, is tiresome to rub the control part.
- Focusing to the 'buyer': It can sometimes be very annoying.
Some idea sketches, prototypes to solve the problem

Feedbacks for idea
- Not pricey
- Simple, but works fine
Great solution-
BUT... It makes it even more convenient, which goes upstream from the current global tren d of encouraging NOT to use plastic bags.
Research 2 : Reference & Problems

- Focusing to the 'seller' -When opening the plastic bag, it is tiresome to rub the control part.
-Even when some sellers want to charge plastic bags, customers hate it.
- Focusing to the 'buyer'
-Since they want free stuff, they ignore the fact that giving out disposable goods for free is illegal.
-This kind of ignorance is killing the environment.
The reason the cashback system isn't working is because the buyers don't have strong incentive to bring the papers back, and the sellers think of it 귀찮음.
Idea sketch to solve the problems

Feedbacks for idea
- The Fun Theory + actual incentive
- Helps environmentally
- The most convenient way to open the ba g between the three ideas

PROJECT 03- Design for Navigation
Visit the 3rd Floor Follow Your Color - COLOR NAVIGATION

JeeHye Lee, JiSun Kim, SoHyun Park

M Clip
Jooyeon Lee, Dayun Hong, JooKyung Shin

Mission 'Burn Fat-in YIC
kyu won kim, Kangeun Lee,Yein Jo

The Two-Way Story to Navigate
Jody,Hyun-bae, Jung
Hunt Statement
"We are going to understand how students use the underground alleys in order to move from Dorm A to Un-gi-do (Underwood Memorial Library) and vice versa in YIC"
1. Not many people knew about the secret alleys that connected the dormitory and the Un-gi-do(Underwood Memorial Library).
2. People that knew the secret alleys had difficulties finding their ways.
3. People that knew their ways were exposed to the danger of traffic accident due to the lack of division in paths of pedestrians and vehicles.
-> So, we will navigate people by giving them a path to walk on.

Building up a path for the pedestrians in the underground parking lot.
- Navigation grouped up with old folk tales that everyone knows.
- Q & A format
- Use the shape of the pillars
Final Prototype

Before & Then
Jae Yeon Ju, Ji Eun Park, Na Yoon Kim, Soo Yoon Lee
Time Travel: Traveling memories among family members
-Navigate experiences and memories based on time or location by storytelling maps
System Concept
1. Making an individual's memory map : looking back the past moments
2. Giving the map as a present-Sharing memories, creating empathy, making spaces into places
3. Creating interaction between parents and children
Target User
-A family that wishes to share memories and stories
(ex) Memories that children do not remember because they were too young
System Function
-Visualizing memories in an emotional method : Analogue kit

Map Sketches
Basic empty map or other templates
-Basic Timeline : time and places
-Emotion mapping : graph,chart/table, music, calendar
-Collage to make a picture as a whole
-Board Game
-Road-like design

Composition of Kit
Basic Kit
-Chosen map
-Disposable Polaroid Camera
-Tapes, Glues
-Cutter knife, Scissors



Yurae Kim, Hedgie Choi, Seo hee Lee, Taehoon Kim
'The smallest, greyest, or most nondescript building can be transformed by the sto ries that live in it. Once heard, these stories can change the way people think about that place and the city at large.-/p>
People, particularly children, feel 'ownership-toward their frequently visited places. We feel a similar 'ownership-of our past and our stories.
But sometimes... we want to share. How to make my territory into your territory?
Different people see the same place differently
Accurate to the person, not to geography.
A map full of stories!
A webpage-based SERVICE that lets people create ARTISTIC maps of their CHILDH OOD according to their MEMORIES rather than geographical accuracy, for the sake of SHARING STORIES with the people who are getting to intimately know them.
Conrad and Molly have been dating for 3 months.
Conrad has liked Molly since 5 months ago, and h as made great efforts to get to know her. He is ver y infatuated with Molly and wants to know all abo ut her. Conrad likes to visualize things.
Molly is a story teller. The past is very important t o her, especially her early childhood. She's nostal gic and loves keepsakes. She lived in one neighb orhood, Orchard Downs in Urbana Illinois, for five
years, so that neighborhood is very rich in memo ries. She's a little bit geographically challenged.
'Jeff, who I had a crush on, used to live far do wn at the end of the circle drive, by the Laund romat.-Molly is telling another story. Conrad has a laptop with him, and decides it would b e good if they google-mapped it. It takes Moll y thirty minutes to figure out where exactly sh e used to live in. She knows that she recogniz es that oval drive, but she doesn't remember t he big building there. Besides, none of this se ems very familiar because her neighborhood wasn't actually peach-colored. Where are the brick houses? Where is the playground?
Two weeks later it is Molly's birthday and Conrad ha s planned a special activity for her. 'I found a brochu re for a thing that lets you recreate childhood maps a ccording to the way you remember them. Look at so me of the examples on their site, it's very artsy and c ool.-/p>

First Molly uploads a picture of her google-mappe d neighborhood.
Then Conrad asks Molly the questions on the questi onnaire and types in her answers. He reminds her o f stories that she's told him before. After that, Molly takes over the computer again and connects the sto ries to the places.
Molly ranks each building from 1 -3 on how import ant it was to her.
Conrad makes a payment.

Black-out and eliminate places that are va gue in your memories.
Enlarge places that you can remember cl early or that are important to you.
Interactive Pop-up : places with stories po p up!
Certain distortion allowed: for instance th e places you were afraid of as a child, you can express them as 'witch -forest-/p>
Two weeks later the WAY map is here !
Molly is elated and wants to show all her friends. 'Conrad, maybe I can hel p you make yours for your birthday. OR when our one year anniversary com es, we could make a WAY map of our relationship, in this neighborhood.-Conrad melts into a puddle of love. 'Tel l me again, how you're going to be wit h me for a whole year,-he says. T